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Graham McDonald, April 28 2019

Royal Family

The key to being a royal in the modern world is to not let everyone see all the naughty stuff the rest of the country is up to and to make out that one is setting a good moral example. Sadly, the royals are more like us that we like to think.

Peter says that we are a “…royal priesthood…” (1 Peter 2:9). More than that, we are to be boldly and openly obvious in every aspect of our lives as Christians. Unlike monarchs and their families, we are to have one life, i.e. the same life in public as in private.. Later, Peter says we are to be ready to “…give a defence of the hope that is within us…” (1 Peter 3:15), and to “…speak as the oracles speak…” (1 Peter 4:11). In other words, people should see that we are Christians and not expect anything else from us.

As the royal priesthood, we are heirs with Jesus according to promise (Galatians 3:29). We are promised a crown (James 1:12). So, live as a Christian. Let others be in no doubt about who and what you are!

Written by

Graham McDonald

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